eDiscovery Special Master
Nothing is more counter-productive than lawyers arguing technical e-discovery issues when an expert in the field could illuminate a case knowledgeably. This is where an eDiscovery Special Master, or court-appointed expert, becomes a valuable resource. This special master is appointed by the court and has the authority to carry out court orders, whether agreed to by the parties ahead of time, or ordered by the court after hearing testimony, arguments, or recommendations by party experts.

Primary Benefit of a Special Master
- Reduced Costs. A special master will streamline the discovery process and settle disputes efficiently regarding scope, format, and manner of production to the parties.
- Technical Expertise. Guide the parties on methodologies and protocols to find what you need quickly.
- Manage Costs and Deadlines. Work with the parties to establish reasonable deadlines and workflows.
Discover Our Exclusive Special Master Package
As lawyer technologists, we are uniquely positioned to serve either as eDiscovery Special Masters under FRCP 53 (or its state equivalents) or as court-appointed experts to help explain the e-discovery process in a cost-effective way.
FRCP 16 and 27
We can help the court and counsel identify and sample only the most relevant data as evidence. Using best practices and in conformance with the amended federal rules regarding e-discovery, we also work with all counsels to devise a fair Discovery Plan, as envisioned in FRCP Rules 16 and 27.
The Benefit to Law Firms
We can help your law firm:
- Limit your motion practice to those issues that really count.
- Devise e-discovery protocols.
- Recommend search criteria and protocols.
- Provide advice on technology implementation choices (e.g., data sampling; native file format production; rolling productions; imaging protocols).
- Propose rulings or advise the court on e-discovery motions and cost-sharing issues.
- Assist with the collection, preservation, and processing to prepare the electronically stored information (ESI) for legal review and production.
Experienced Trial Lawyers
As experienced trial lawyers, Howe Law Firm understands the litigation process and what is required to prepare fully for it. We also serve as Special Masters for Digital Forensics and neutral court-appointed experts to assist court and counsel in guiding and streamlining e-discovery in complex cases.
Qualified Experts in Federal and State Courts
Tom Howe has been qualified as an e-discovery expert in many cases and has been recognized as “among the top 200 e-discovery attorneys worldwide” by Seth Davis, then an attorney and recruiter for Major, Lindsey & Africa, in an article entitled “E-Discovery Attorneys: Hot or Not?” that appeared in Findlaw.com.
Special Master Fees
We are very transparent about our fees. Most of our services are provided for a flat-fee. An exception is court time, which is charged at an hourly rate. Please see our “Fees” page for all the details.
eDiscovery Special Master Services Nearby Throughout the United States
We provide Special Master services for law firms throughout the United States, in federal and state court cases.
Confidential Information
Many courts choose us because we are lawyers and eDiscovery/forensic experts. We understand client confidentiality and strictly adhere to legal ethics.
How to Choose an eDiscovery Special Master
Please “Contact Us” to discuss Special Master services for your case.
Special Master Fee
Special Master Services
Discovery Protocol Strategy & Negotiation
ESI Collection, Preservation, & Production
$475 Hour